I've been meaning to plug my buddy's photographic wizardry, as he has recently caved in and hopped aboard the blogspot bandwagon. I often like to pimp his work, because it belongs in a goddamn book. But that's his call.
Richard Ostrom is the name. You've been told, so get your ass over there!
The Colorado Springs Reverend who had affair with a male prostitute who he was buying crystal meth from turned 53 yesterday. And just in time for Pride Weekend! I don't know, he looked to me like the straightest pastor I had ever seen.
Yesterday was one heck of a day for metal birthdays. Chuck Billy (vocalist of Testament) turned 47, Slash turned 44, but it doesn't get much more manlier or metal than a big bicep in your face from the 54 year old Glenn Allen Anzalone Danzig.
In an attempt to compensate for what I consider to be a lukewarm depiction of Paula Abdul, I will leave you with a couple of her drunken appearances on live news. Always good to see a celebrity let it all go and be as real as they possibly can.
*Fun fact: This concludes birthdays in the 40-somethings. I have now drawn every age from 40-49 (some of those more than a few times). Big deal.
Anyone who watched the WWF in the 80s or early 90s probably at some point heard the myth that their were 2 or 3 different Ultimate Warriors, because each guy who played him would die from overdosing on steroids. I never heard anything from a reliable source, until today when I was digging up some reference pics. Straight from his official website:
"There was only one Ultimate Warrior...I am not dead. Nor have I ever died. Don't laugh. There are plenty of kooks (too many) who write and inform me that I am or that I have -- and then demand I write back and confirm it!"
I did some digging around on youtube and found a few keepers. One of them being the best anti-smoking PSA ever.
The man who led the Packers to their 3rd Super Bowl victory turned 61 yesterday, and only 4 days after the birthday of the man who led them to their first 2 Super Bowl victories. Coincidence? Probably.
I am very much looking forward to the release of Public Enemies next month, much of which was shot right outside my hometown. Very odd choice, but I think it was due to a big tax break.
I've said it before, but I have a tough time drawing pretty people. And those who have been caricatured a million times. A real double whammy I have here.